Start Sustainability
NIBEs arbete med hållbara energilösningar. Naturbild skogsväg

Sustainable energy solutions for 70 years

NIBEs arbete med hållbara energilösningar

We work every day to make the world a better place.

Ever since the start in 1952, we have worked committedly and goal-oriented to develop new methods for better energy efficiency. In this way, NIBE plays an important role in the global transition to a more sustainable society. We are proud of that.

But we are also aware of how complex the issue of sustainability is and how important it is to act responsibly as a company when it comes to our own employees and suppliers, the products' climate impact throughout the life cycle and the society around us - a task we take very seriously .

NIBEs arbete med hållbara energilösningar

Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time

At NIBE work actively to create products and systems that are adapted to modern requirements for sustainable energy solutions. The aim is to increase energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy and thus create long-term value, for our customers and for the climate.

Our own sustainability work takes place in four areas:

Business responsibility

We work with business responsibility throughout our entire value chain, and ethics is an important part of our business. As a customer, you should be able to trust us.

Environmental responsibility

We see our environmental responsibility as an important part of our entire processing chain, which begins with our suppliers and ends with you the customer, and strive to reduce the impact of our products on the environment and climate throughout their entire life cycle.

Employee responsibility

The key to achieving our goals today and in the future is to be able to retain and attract new, competent, committed employees.

Corporate social responsibility

As part of society, we must act responsibly as a company. We collaborate locally and globally with schools, higher education institutions and organizations to contribute to increased knowledge and reduced poverty.

NIBE support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Since 2014, NIBE has been committed to following the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The UNGC is a voluntary initiative based on commitments from company management to implement sustainability principles and actively enter into a partnership to support the UN’s long-term goals.

In September 2015, the member states of the UN adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 sustainability goals guide every member’s commitment in establishing a clear plan and, by 2030, taking the necessary measures to create long-term sustainable development, end extreme poverty, combat the climate crisis and reduce inequalities and injustices in the world.

We have chosen to work primarily with 6 of the 17 global goals set out in Agenda 2030.

NIBE’s commitment to Agenda 2030

  • Increase the proportion of products based on renewable energy and meet the market’s need for energy-efficient and clean energy solutions.
  • Promote a safe and secure working environment, protect workers’ rights, ensure decent working conditions both in workers' own operations and in the supply chain, and safeguard employment and growth.
  • Make production more sustainable by using resources efficiently, using clean and environmentally friendly technologies and allocating funds for research and development.
  • Provide resource-efficient and climate-adapted components, products and solutions that contribute to sustainable cities and secure infrastructure.
  • Apply sustainable methods for handling chemicals and reducing emissions to air, water and land. Conserve resources, minimise waste, recycle and reuse on a greater scale. Report sustainability information transparently in our reporting cycle.
  • Respect and uphold national and cross-border legislation, as well as work actively against corruption in all forms. Create systems for internal control with respect to legal compliance and compliance with ethical business principles.

Other sustainability goals we work towards

In addition to the global goals, NIBE also has responsible business goals and works systematically in carrying out due diligence within different parts of the value chain, such as subcontractors. Our factories work with long-term goals to replace fossil energy sources with renewables. We have management systems in various areas, primarily within quality, the environment and the working environment, for which we are also certified within several of our operations. The working environment is important and we are constantly working to reduce the risks of occupational injuries.

Help us build a sustainable future

A large proportion of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere originates from fossil energy sources for heating and hot water installations. Oil, coal and gas must be replaced by renewable energy sources that reduce the lasting damage to nature.

NIBE heat pumps

After almost 70 years of manufacturing climate solutions, we would like to invite you to join us in creating a more sustainable future. We value our Nordic legacy. By harnessing the renewable energy of nature and combining it with smart, innovative technology, we can offer efficient solutions that benefit everyone.

Start with a heat pump from NIBE

You reap multiple benefits when you replace fossil fuels with renewable energy. You get a more sustainable heating solution that helps you reduce your carbon footprint. In addition, you can choose a more energy-efficient solution that can reduce your energy consumption and energy costs. You do both yourself and the environment a favour.

NIBE heat pumps

With a heat pump from NIBE, you can use the renewable energy from your surroundings to create a comfortable indoor climate. The heat pump offers immediate environmental returns in the form of reduced energy consumption and reduced emissions.

The amount of electricity required is relatively low, as the main heat pump power source is not powered by mains electricity. Electricity is only required to operate the heat pump, which in turn utilises the renewable energy allowing you to save up to 75% of your energy costs for heating and hot water. You will be very happy with your decision considering energy prices are on the rise all the time. You can actually reap the benefits of your investment after just one month.

Sustainability work and NIBE

228,000 tonnes less CO2 emissions in 2019

If you calculate the reduced emissions based on the type of heating system that NIBE Group’s heat pumps replaced in 2019 within the EU, the savings would be 228,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide this year alone. This is about the same as the emissions from all buses, mopeds and motorbikes in the whole of Sweden or 100,000 plane flights, for one person to Thailand and back.

NIBE Group – a global group with companies and a presence worldwide

NIBE offers environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient indoor comfort solutions for all types of properties, as well as components and solutions for intelligent heating and control within industry and infrastructure.

Learn more about NIBE's product warranty insurance »